Project Statement:
What is your project about?
My project is about the experience and symptoms of depressive episodes.
What are your project's theme(s) or conceptual underpinnings? (Think 1 to 3 hashtags.)
depression, empathy, human experience
What is your project's "elevator pitch"? Think of a phrase or 1 sentence maximum.
Untitled is a VR experience exploring the before, during, and aftermath of depressive episodes, placing the user into a glimpse of the life of a person with a depressive disorder.
What is your short, project description?
My, so far un-named, senior project is a VR experience exploring depressive episodes, the before, during, and aftermath. Most people with depressive disorders can understand what it's like to be in a depressive episode and can empathize with others who experience them, but I've found that sometimes people without mental illness are not able to empathize in the same way. So to tackle that I want to make a VR experience that puts someone in the shoes of a person who is coming out of a depressive episode. While in VR they'll explore their bedroom, looking at the mess that has been made, being prompted with thoughts, and reading journal entries to further understand the mindset of someone in a depressive episode.

Why are you doing this project?
I'm doing this project because I feel like there's a large empathy gap between those with and without mental illness. I think that while most people understand depression they don't quite fully grasp that depressive symptoms are usually very much out of a person's control. People don't choose to wake up some days and just not take care of themselves or feel hopeless.
What are you exploring or discovering here? What questions are you asking?
I'm showing people what the raw aftermath of a depressive episode feels like. It feels dirty, bad, gross, miserable. I'm asking,  do you think people choose this? Do you think people want to live their lives like this or that they're actually struggling daily with a mental illness. Living with mental illness is draining and a challenge every day. 
Is there a problem you are aiming to solve? A condition you are trying to change? A value you wish to add? A unique experience you hope to provide?
I want people to reexamine their bias, and stigma. I want to create empathy with those who do not currently have empathy for people with mental illness. With this project I'm aiming to teach people about this issue in a way where they have to experience it. I also want to include writing from others who experience depressive episode to share their words and desires for people to understand them.
Do you love your idea? Does it feel right on instinct?
I love this idea so much! I've had it in my brain for the past 2 years and now I'm finally able to explore it.
Show and discuss prior work that you have created as evidence of your ability to engage in this project.
I have experience with VR and making VR PSAs with this knowledge I feel confident in being able to make it. Past project examples:

One game that I found that definitely helps serve as some inspiration is Depression Quest, a text based game where you play through the life of someone with depression while managing work, relationships, and the symptoms of depression. This game does an amazing job of presenting an experience of depression and is replayable! Additionally I find myself inspired by the game That Dragon, Cancer. Which is about a family who's young son is battling cancer that ends up taking his life. It explores love, death, hope, and religion.

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